Ok will i actually have 2 funny stories to share with you all. So i am working the usual thursday night at the store with my sister katie. She had stepped out for a minute to go get us a couple slushes, which is usual. SO there i am just knitting away when a youngish male cames in. So i look up and say hi, how are you doing , did you need anythin......... the usual. So he said "yes, actually would you be able to stand on my stomach and take a picture of it."
I was a little stunned at the question so when i didnt say anything he continued..."i am a wrestler from calgary and we have a little compition on and this is one of the things we have to do. I have asked so many people in the mall and everyone gave me a weird look and said no." so what do you even say to a question like that..
Well i somewhat agreed to do it but i said " how about you wait 5 minutes and my sister will be back. she can stand on your stomach and il take a pic."
So as we waited for katie to come here we chatted a little and he asked if that was the weirdest guestion i had ever been asked and i suprisingly said no.
This one time a few yeard ago i was working in the discount store and an older gentleman came in and was trying a pair of ecco dress shoes. he had been in the store for about half an hour and then came up to me and asked.."would you be able to jump onto my back because they will be work shoes and i carry alot of heavyer things." Ok so now i am a little creeped out but then he said something about how he always buys his shoes from irv (thats my grandfather) and so i figured that it would be ok to get on his back......weird. and he still comes into the store all the time.

Ok so back to the first story. So katie comes back and she agrees to stand on him so i take a pic. She had taken off her boots because they had a bit of a heel on them. Then he asked if she could do it with her boots on so that it would be a crazer picture...ouch. anyways i hope that this is an intresting blogg for all of you who get mad that i dont write enough... and i will try to be better!